Here is the last thing that was discovered during a dive in the Great Ocean scientists have found between 10 to 20 new species of micro-organisms in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean in a survey to test whether global warming may harm life in the oceans, according to a UN report published the first yesterday.
Used in the survey which was conducted in the tropical waters between the eastern United States and the Central Highlands of Atlantic special nets to catch fragile zoo plankton such as shrimp "shrimp" and jellyfish and swimming worms at depths ranging from a dark one kilometer and up to 5 kilometers.
The cruise's scientific leader at the Foundation and the Woods Hole Oceanographic in the United States Peter Wiebe, "This is a voyage of exploration ... the deepest parts of the ocean rarely sampled at any time before." Participated 28 scientists from 14 countries and lasted 20 days last April.
These are some photos, taken by a group of scientists journey through exploration of the ocean, which lasted six months. These objects are discovered and conceived for the first time it is called stars of the ocean.