How To Develop The Mental Game Of Golf

By Anita Ortega

Golf, as many would say is more of a mental sport than a physical sport. Many attest that it is over 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical, which sounds a lot like exaggeration. However, many do believe that if you do develop a good mental game of golf for yourself then you would succeed greatly in golf.

Rounds of golf are almost always comprised of players of differing temperaments. Some are hot headed and moody when something in the round goes wrong, while others exhibit an almost inexplicable gentlemanly calm. More often than not, it is the calm player that wins or gets the better of the round.

If mental prowess on the course is such a big deal, then one can very well ask why most people focus on the physical aspects. This is because the physical process of the sport is what can be easily be seen and acknowledged. Thus a lot of people tend to focus on the physical, such as stance, the swing, the backswing, the grip and so on and so forth.

The importance of having a good mind and attitude towards the sport can never be overstated enough. Though plenty still do not see much importance in it, developing it can do wonders for when developed and strengthened. Those people who have developed it properly see much improved handicaps, stroke reductions and overall satisfaction on a per round level.

People who want to improve their round outcomes should start accepting what they are and what they are not. They should learn to accept the fact that they are not always a great player like the sports greats and that they too have limitations. They should adjust their minds to the fact that they have limitations, and in this way they enjoy the sport more by not expecting too much from something they may have too little of. Different people are gifted in different ways after all.

Learn to visualize the shots before you play them. This is a great process by which others also call visioning. See the shot in your mind and imagine everything about it. Include all the little details like how far, how high and even how you feel when you have hit it. Once you have visualized the shot go ahead and take it. You will be surprised that more often than not, your actual play approximates the one in your head more often than not.

Your mental game is only as good as how relaxed and rested you are. You can only develop a good mind game if you are fully rested and relaxed before playing. You should also be sober. So avoid the sleepless nights and the bottle before any round of golf.

Most importantly of all, go ahead and enjoy the game. Enjoying golf and having fun will do wonders to your mental processes. So go ahead, smile, laugh and swing. Golf is a fun pastime after all. Remember that a positive attitude will do you more wonders than one thousand dry swings to improve your overall handicap.

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