Going On South Dakota Pheasant Hunts

By Minnie Whitley

When one is a fan of hunting animals, one of the most interesting animals to hunt down would be pheasants because it is very challenging but at the same time fun. Now of course if one would want to become a hunter, he has to first learn a few things before actually going to the field. Now beginners have to first learn some tactics and some tips before he can actually go on South Dakota Pheasant hunts.

Now if he would want to go on a hunting trip, then he has to make sure he does his homework for the trip. Now the thing about these things is that they only appear in certain times of the day. In order to get these birds, one would have to either hunt very early in the morning when the sun is just about to rise or sometime late in the afternoon during sunset.

After doing some research, one now must prepare the equipment that he will be using. If he is a beginner, then the best gun for him to use would be a twelve gauge shotgun because it is actually quite easy to use. Once he perfects this, he may try to use a twenty gauge shotgun as this packs a little bit more power and is usually used by seasoned hunters.

After he has done his homework and prepared his gun, then the next thing that he must do would be to train his hunting dog for the trip. Now the very first thing should train his dog to do would be to remember the smell of pheasants. By doing this, the dog will be the one to smell the target and lead the hunter there.

After teaching the dog how to sniff the bird, then the next thing it should be taught would be how to retrieve the bird. Now the smell of the dog will help it detect the dead pheasant. Once the dog has already detected the bird, then he just has to run to it and bring it back to the hunter.

Now the best places to look for pheasants would actually be near the streams because this is where they would mostly go to. Now if one cannot find any pheasants there, the he should try near the crop edges or anywhere near borders. These spots are the favorite hangouts of pheasants so one will most likely find one there.

Now do take note that these birds are very sensitive to vibrations and sounds. If they can sense or hear something that is out of the ordinary, their instinct will tell them to flee. It is because of this that hunters have to make sure to lead these pheasants to an open field.

Now one strategy that would work in this situation would be to force the bird to go in a certain direction by shooting in the opposite direction. The bird will of course try to avoid going to the place where the gunshot is. So once the fowl has already gone to the direction where the hunter wants, the hunter may make the shot.

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