Tips On How To Pet A Tiger

By Alta Alexander

People consider the tiger to be a big cat, this is literary the case because they share the same family with the house cat. On the other end, some even harbor the thought of taming the wild cat since they consider the normal house cat to be a pretty little creature; they also expect pet a tiger and have it behave in the same manner.

Having a tiger for a pet is a blessing in disguise; this is because the animal is basically a cat and a dog combined, this is able to happen because the tiger has the behavior of both a cat and a dog both at the same time. It is an intelligent pet thus has the ability to act as a cat since it is its nature and also has the ability to behave like a dog thus the owner has the advantage of having two pets in one body.

The animal as a pet is also considered to be very good in enhancing security in homestead just like the common guard dogs. This is because the tiger is a highly territorial animal and in this case any creature that crosses into its territory is considered competition; this combined with its size and strength makes it a killing machine.

Even in captivity tigers do not to lose their killer instincts, this instinct they use for their upkeep despite the situation in captivity. They are known to practice and sharpen their skills with anything they can lay their paws on. Some cases have been recorded whereby they pounce on their owners just as a way of practice.

When they are still cubs they do not have problems putting up with other animals but once they grow up to becoming adults they live a solitary life and they tend to kill all other smaller animals around them since the animals were found in their territory. Even if they were brought up with the smaller animal in its childhood they are known to kill intruders.

Tigers are very expensive animals to maintain since they do not feed on regular cat food and are also known to down a whole cow in two sittings. This makes it really hard for the owners to maintain it since they also have to purchase supplements for it so that its health is at its peak.

Tigers are known to only trust one or two people in their life time and in case the persons are not available they cannot trust anyone else. In instances where the trusted person had to leave or died, they are reported to have starved to death as they ignored the food brought by other non trusted persons.

While in captivity tigers are supposed to be trained how to hunt on their own so that if they are ever released to the wild they can depend on their own skill since they are known to hunt human beings because we form an easy target.

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